~ Isaiah 11:9
- How is the wickedness of people like wildfire on the land (9:18-19)?
- What are some examples of unjust laws and oppressive decrees that oppress people today (10:1)?
- Jesus was the new shoot that came out of the cut off rebellious stump of Jessie (11:1). Where have you seen God bring life out of the devastation of sin in your life (Rom. 4:17)?
- What will this new shoot do according to 11:2-5?
- Because of man’s rebellion to God, all creation knows the effect of sin. According to 11:6-9 how far does His reign extend?
- Paraphrase chapter 12 as your personal song of praise:
Why was he angry with you?
How has he comforted you?
What has he saved you from?
What do you thank him for?
What is your song?
Articulate your joy!