Luke 12 – Be on Guard


Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Which of these six do you have to be most on guard for? Be ready to discuss yours at group.

12:1-14 Be on guard for Pharisee hypocrisy. When are you tempted to be different depending on who you are around? Do you shine Jesus evenly or do you hide him in some circles?

12:15-21 Be on guard for greed. What does your brother have that you want? How much is enough? How much do you have in storage? Would you be happier with less?

12:22-34 Be on guard against life’s worries. How important is it to you how you look to others? How are you storing up heavenly treasures as opposed to earthly? Do you really have faith that your Father will provide? When have you sold something so that you could give?

12:35-42 Be on guard against distraction. Are you ready for Christ’s return now? What do you have to do to get ready? What do you do while you are ready and waiting?

12:43-48 Be on guard for inactivity. Is there anything the Master has asked of you that you have not done? What are you waiting for? We have been given so many blessings, what are you doing with them? It matters!

12:54-59 Be on guard against misinterpreting the present times.  What should you be doing today? Why is it wise to settle out of court sooner than later? Are you ready for the final judgement   today or are you distracted by less important things?