Judgment and Hope


The Vision graphic Jn '24 ~ Isaiah 1-5

  1. How has the city changed according to Isaiah in 1:21?
  2. What will God do in response?  1:24 & 3:1
  3. What will God do in the last days (2:2)?  How will it be like the former days?  (1:26)
  4. Why do you suppose the inscription at the entrance of the United Nations in New York leaves out the first line of 2:4?  Can peace be achieved without God?
  5. The hope in 2:5 much like 1 John 1:5&7.  They didn’t do that very well… how are we doing?
  6. What will happen to the proud men according to 2:17?  What about the women in 3:16-17?
  7. What happens to the leaders, especially male leadership in chapter 3?
  8. Who do you suppose is the “Branch of the Lord” in 4:2?
  9. The pending judgment of the first 4 chapters are summed up in the song here in 5:1-7.  What does song communicate that words alone cannot?
  10. Which of the six woes is especially striking to you?  Do any seem to be repeated today?
  11. Who is God that he can whistle and the nations come running 5:26?