Numbers 11: God said: “Go quail hunting”


Sunday, May 17th, 2020

1) Describe a hardship, a complaint or a craving you have been dealing with lately.

2) According to 11:1, who hears our complaints and what is the result? What do we become when we complain (verse 4)?

3) Have past unacceptable circumstances ever seemed favorable compared to future unknowns as described in verses 5-6?

4) According to verse 15, what does complaining do to leaders?

5) According to verses 18-20, how does God respond to our complaining?

6) How does wailing to God result in rejection of God (verse 20)?

7) Who provides for our needs and even our cravings (verse 23)?

8) What does God think of our complaining?

9) What does God think of our cravings?