David Takes A Wife?


Sunday, March 18, 2018 ~ David, Part II

  1. Knowing what you know of relationships in David’s day, how can the love and oneness of a friend like Jonathan be better than the love of a spouse? (2 Sam 1:26)
  2. What was positive and negative in David’s marriage with his first wife Michal? (1 Sam 18, 19, 25:44, 2 Sam 3:13-14, 2 Sam 6)
  3. Discuss the Abigail story in 1 Sam 25. Who in this chapter has the most integrity? How do you honor someone that doesn’t deserve it?
  4. The other 5 wives were for political ties or for having more kids. Do you know of any marriages of convenience or utility today?
  5. Bathsheba’s story is in 2 Sam 11. Though David treated Bathsheba’s dad and husband very badly, how did he treat her? Was Bathsheba’s role passive or active?
  6. How do you suppose the wives felt when Abishag was brought in in 1 Kings 1:3?
  7. Do we expect the next generation to have better or worse relationships than ours?

David's wives