What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Acts 16

  1. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised, especially after last chapter and 16:4?
  2. How did the Holy Spirit (v.6) or the Spirit of Jesus (v.7) stop them?  How has God ever closed a door for you?
  3. Who is “we” in v.10?  Why doesn’t “we” show up again until chapter 20?
  4. Why was the door opened to Macedonia (Europe) and not Asia?
  5. What has the power of praise/worship changed in your life?
  6. How fast should it be from experiencing God to getting saved, to your whole house getting saved and baptized? (v. 30-33)?
  7. Why do you suppose Paul mentioned his citizenship after, and not before, prison?
  8. What must they do to be saved?  What must we do? What should the next step be?
  9. Why did Paul want to be acknowledged and escorted out of jail?