Violent Hands: Live By the Sword & Die By Worms!
Acts 12
- Do you give according to your ability as described in 11:29, more than, or less than your ability?
- Does Violent Herod pleasing the Jews in chapter 12 have anything to do with Gentiles coming to Christ without circumcision in chapter 11?
- The “striking angel” awakens Peter and saves him (v7) while it kills Herod (v23). What is the difference?
- After James’ death, the people prayed earnestly (v5) and Peter was saved and Herod supernaturally killed. What does it mean to “pray earnestly?”
- Tell of an experience you have had that later you questioned if it actually happened or if you had been dreaming.
- Did the people really expect God to answer (v. 5 & 15)?
- Where do you suppose Peter went and why (v17)?
- If Herod had not killed James would he still have been eaten by worms? Or is not giving God the glory enough to merit death?