Turn Away God’s Wrath!

Sunday, May 1st, 2022

1) Where did King Hezekiah get his Godly influence (29:1)?

2) How is the wrath of the Lord turned away (29:3-11)?

3) How long does it take to return to the Lord (29:36)?

4) What happens if the heart is right even if the details are not (30:18-20)?

5) According to chapter 31, what part do tithes and offerings play in bringing the people back to God in abundance?

6) How can “God with us” equal more than the overwhelming hoards that come against us (32:7)?

7) What happens when we squander the blessing of God because of pride (32:25)? (See also Isaiah 38)

8) How was Hezekiah tested in 32:31? What was the result? (See also Isaiah 39 and 2 Kings 20)