Stirred Up Spirits!

Sunday, July 18th, 2021

1) Share a time when you put your personal agenda ahead of God’s (Haggai 1:4).

2) Does any part of your life feel like Haggai 1:6?

3) Why is it important to have 1:13 before 1:14 where God stirs you up to do a hard thing with opposition?

4) When have you compared what God did then with what he is doing now (2:3) and got discouraged? What is the antidote (2:4)?

5) How do I know 2:5 is true when I don’t see it or feel it?

6) Even though the shell of your “Temple” may not show it, is verse 9 true for you?  Are you living in peace?

7) Are you prospering through the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah or in spite of it (verse 14)?  Will you live in their prophecies for a while?

8) Don’t forget to be praying for 5 of your unsaved people!

1.____________________     4.____________________

2.____________________     5.____________________
