Believe & Love


  1. What is the first and most important message according to (3:11)?
  2. Why did Cain kill his brother (3:12)?
  3. Contrasted to Cain, how are we to treat our brother (v.14)?
  4. What happens to those who close their heart (v.17) to their brother or hates him (v.15)?
  5. What kind of love are vs. 16-18 talking about?  Is there enough evidence (Gal. 6:4) in your life?
  6. Why would your heart condemn you (v.20)?  What do you condemn you with?
  7. Why does our heart not get the final say (v.20)?
  8. What is his commandment in v. 23; that we _________ in the Name and _________ one another.
  9. What is the final assurance we are given in (v. 24)?

Penquins. believe & love