Being The Church



Cornerstone has an Annual Commitment and members renew their commitment each year in January. The following five assertions outline what that covenant relationship means for us. Go through these practical questions. Are you Cornerstone?!

  1. I WILL SUBMIT TO THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH. What Bible teaching has impacted you lately? Do you see yourself growing in Biblical Christianity?
  2. I WILL SAFEGUARD THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH. Do you feel a healthy connection to your LIFE group?   Do you “go” to church or are you “being” the church?
  3. I WILL SHARE THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH. Are you testing God with a tithe? Do you talk about “our”  mission or “their” mission? Do you feel like a tourist or really on mission with Jesus?
  4. I WILL SERVE THE MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH. What ministry might God be calling you to this year? What ministry might God be calling Cornerstone into this year?
  5. I WILL SUPPORT THE TESTIMONY OF THE CHURCH. Are you good news in our community? Do you invite others into the Cornerstone family? When is the last time you told  a nonbeliever about Jesus?