And So It Begins
Acts 13
- What do you suppose “the church at Antioch” was like; one big assembly? Jewish church separate from Gentile church? More like a bunch of house churches in ethnic communities (v.1)?
- Did the whole church set apart Barnabas and Saul. or just this named group of Prophets and teachers?
- Why do you suppose that Saul, the “Apostle to the Gentiles” always started in the synagogue (v. 5 & 14)? Who was his target (v. 16, 26 & 42-48)?
- Why do you suppose the Jewish name “Saul” was changed to the Roman “Paul” from here on out (v.9)?
- What is the fate of anyone who “makes crooked the straight paths of the Lord?” (v.10)
- Why do you suppose John Mark returned to Jerusalem (v.13)?
- What do you find striking in Paul’s first recorded sermon in v. 16-41? How is it both similar and dissimilar to Peter’s in Chapter 2 and Stephen’s in Chapter 7?
- Describe your personal experience of forgiveness and being freed here in v. 38-39. See also David’s view of forgiveness in Psalm 32:1-5.