Almost Persuaded
- What hand gesture do you suppose Paul made before the court (Acts 26:1)?
- Who was Bernice (25:13)? Who is your Bernice – that person or thing that keeps you from full commitment to Christ?
- Have someone share their story of when 26:18 happened to them.
- How has God helped you like Paul in (26:22)?
- Do you think Paul almost converted Agrippa (26:28 KJV) or was it more like you can’t convince me in such a short time (26:28 ESV)?
- Do you suppose Paul wanted to be free or was he happy to be going on to Rome?
- Because he is a brilliant lawyer, Paul defends his faith persuasively in front of dignitaries. How do you suppose God wants you to share your faith – not being a lawyer? Could it be as simple as John 9:25?