2 Chronicles 10-13 Look To Your Own House!


Sunday, March 20th, 2022

1) What does our culture condone that the Bible condemns?

2) Discuss Deuteronomy 17:14-18’s warning to kings.

3) Discuss 1 Samuel 8:11-18’s warning to the people about kings? Does any of this apply to political leaders today?

4) Why did Israel reject Rehoboam (10:4, 14-16 & 11:4)? Why    did God reject him (7:19-22, 12:2 & 5)?

5) Why was Jerusalem spared (12:6 & 12) but still subjugated   (12:8 & 14)?

6) Why did Jeroboam wage war on Abijah in chapter 13?

7) What are you doing with your “if” from 7:14?