Under Authority!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

  1. Read and discuss Luke 7: 1-10.  What does it tell us about Jesus, the religious leaders, the centurion?  How does this apply to you?
  2. What authority do you have the hardest time being under?
  3. How/when do you submit to authority when it is wrong?
  4. How are we to submit to government authority according to Romans 13 & 1 Tim. 2?
  5. How are we to submit to Family authority in 1 Cor. 7:4 & Eph. 6?
  6. How are we to submit to church authority in Hebrews 13:17?
  7. What does God think of those who rebel against authority in 2 Peter 2:9-10?
  8. How does submitting to earthly authority relate to heavenly authority?