Numbers 13: Comparison Kills!

Sunday, May 31st, 2020

1) What is the best or worst family road trip you have been on? Does your story parallel the story of the Israelites in any way?

2) Do you identify more with Caleb or the other 10 spies? Is your gut reaction to say yes and go, or cancel and turn back? How do your tendencies potentially get in the way of God’s plan for your life?

3) Do you ever find yourself in a similar situation as Caleb (Numbers 13:30)? Have you ever tried to steer a conversation in the right direction and still ended up even further in the wrong than before you started?

4) Look up the lyrics and/or listen to Johnathan McReynolds’ song “Comparison Kills”. How does this song apply to Numbers 13?

5) Have you experienced comparison killing? How does comparison kill your faith?