Not Of This World

(message by Charlie Carnes)

Sunday, August 6, 2017 ~ John 15:18-19

  1. Tell about a time when an opportunity was presented to talk about your faith in Jesus and what you believe. What did you do? If you chose to share, how was it received?
  2. What is the antidote to fearing threats and being frightened according to 1 Pet 3:15?  Does Jesus leave you to face the    challenge alone?  Find scriptures that support your answer.
  3. What do you have to do to become prepared to “give an answer to everyone who asks” (1 Pet 3:15)?  How are our answers to be presented? Why?  (v 16)
  4. Do you believe that God can protect you and provide for your needs in every situation? (Phil 4:19) Do you act as if it’s true?
  5. According to John 15:18-19 why does it feel that believers in Jesus are under attack?
  6. In John 15:19 Jesus says believers are Not Of This World because He isn’t. What changes will you make now so you will be prepared to give an answer so others may come to know Jesus through your witness?NOTW graphic