Not Harder… Different!


Sunday, March 24th, 2019

  1. What does “try harder” look like in Luke 5:5a? What does “try different” look like in 5:4? What’s the difference?
  2. How hard is it for the experienced expert to do something that doesn’t make sense just because Jesus asks them to? 5:5b
  3. Have you ever experienced God do something through you that you knew you were not capable of?
  4. What can God do to the work you do in your own strength, especially if it is impressive, according to Daniel 4:30-32?
  5. How does God usually work according to Zech 4:6?
  6. How ridiculous does Jesus sound in John 21:6? Have you ever followed Him when it didn’t make sense?
  7. Ask God to fill you and empower you with His spirit. (Acts 2:4, 4:31, 13:52, Eph. 5:18)