Celebrate & Feast!

Sunday, November 27, 2016 ~  Leviticus 23

  1. What is the biggest celebration in your family? How do you celebrate? What do you eat?
  2. What is the main point behind the Sabbath in verse 3? What part applies today?
  3. Describe the Passover in verses 4-8. What is its relevance for us today?
  4. What is the point behind the First Fruits celebration in verses 9-14? How does it apply today?
  5. What is the Feast of Weeks celebrating in verses 15-22? What is its relevance for us today?
  6. What is the point of the Feast of Trumpets in verses 23-25?
  7. How is the Day of Atonement different than the other celebrations?
  8. What is the point of the Feast of Tabernacles in verses 33-44?
  9. Take some time to thank God for days off, good food and a good God who wants to party with us!
