Authority Over The Grave

Easter Sunday 2017 ~ Matthew 28

  1. When you stood beside the grave of a loved one or have been in a life threatening experience like a violent earthquake, what does the incident make you think about concerning eternity?
  2. The response of the women at the cataclysmic events of verses 2-10 is fear, joy and worship. What does this say about their faith? How would you have responded?
  3. How does the role of the guards/government and their “alternative facts” impact the story? (vs 11-15)
  4. Why does the authority of Jesus continue to the THE issue for the religious establishment? Have you come under his authority in ALL of your life?
  5. Why do you suppose that Matthew puts the resurrection and commissioning in the same story, His receiving of authority and then giving it? (vs 18-20)
  6. What impacts you most about the Easter story this year?