2 Corinthians 10:4 Stronghold of Fear?

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

1) The spirit of fear factors out God. According to 1 John 4:18, can fear and love co-exist?

2) The spirit of fear focuses on what hasn’t happened. Instead, what does Matthew 6:31-34 suggest?

3) The spirit of fear makes us selfish but 2 Corinthians 5:15 gives us other marching orders.

4) The spirit of fear makes us ineffective. Are we tempted to do like the servant in Matthew 25:25?

5) The spirit of fear causes us to lose touch of reality. How does Proverbs 22:13 inform our situation?

6) The spirit of fear causes us to seek to be God. How does Genesis 3:5 & 10 connect wanting to know like God and fear?

7) The spirit of fear makes us double-minded and unstable. According to James 1:2-8 if fear robs our joy and faith, what can we expect?

8) The spirit of fear robs us. John 10:10